integration counselling & psychotherapy
12 A Lodge street, Haddington, EH41 3DX

Life is a balancing act, to achieve change and fulfil your potential make contact today.

Welcome to Integration Counselling & Psychotherapy.
Do you feel stuck in a particular cycle that is impacting your life and needs to change? Do you think negatively, have trouble trusting others or yourself? ....
Our hope is to offer you the tools, techniques and inspiration you need towards improving your wellbeing, and encouraging personal growth. Whether you would like some help with anger, anxiety, addiction, phobias, to improve your mood, process trauma or improve you self-esteem. Together we can work together to help you to make lasting changes which will allow you to improve your outlook and live life to the fullest.
I am a BABCP Accredited Psychological therapist, working face to face in East Lothian and online throughout Scotland and the UK.
Whether you are considering short term therapy -a few sessions which concentrates on a specific issue. Or longer-term therapy, together we can find the best route to take to achieve your goals.
To learn more about me and counselling approach I take, please go to the about me section.

"I am not what has happened to me, I am what I choose to become"